ICF Pools
What Is ICF?
ICF stands for Insulating Concrete Form and is the leading way to build a swimming pool. It is similar to the traditional pool building’s steps and procedures. ICF will also be around the same price range. ICF is leading in pool structures because it is easily shaped, light-weight, environmentally friendly, as well as aiding in a faster construction job. ICF pools are built to reduce the energy cost of your standard pool, as well as have lower lifetime maintenance costs.
When using ICF you meet or exceed standards set by building codes. This is because you are integrating and embedding a high-density plastic web in between two pieces of foam. There is a water barrier installed for the waterproof protection essential. Typically the EPS or XPS foam block size is 4’ X 16”, but since they are foam they do come in different shapes and sizes to accommodate custom jobs, along with providing a consistent finish.
How to Build ICF
1. First you’re going to dig up the location and footings.
2. Once the location is empty, footings are poured and then the stacking and layering of ICF walls begins.
3. The plumbing and any reinforcing steel or braces, per engineer specifications, are now added and the ICF walls poured.
4. The bottom is then filled with a non-compacting solution, fine gravel, or sand, leveled and smoothed.
5. A moisture barrier is installed beneath the under-floor insulation foam, typically the foam is a 4” cut of foam.
6. The steel rebar reinforcement is installed, per specifications, and the bottom slab is poured.
7. A cove transition piece is installed to ensure the wall and floor line up. If the pool has a slope, to create the slope desired, typically the two horizontal slabs are poured. After that the slope is poured, smoothed, and evened.
8. You can finish the pool off with either;
a. Perma-Crete, a coating option that can be used horizontally or vertically.
b. A Sider-Plast system by Sider-Crete which then will be finished with Sider-Proof Top Coat.
c. BuildCrete Stucco, directly onto the ICF, at least a 3/8th” thick and embedded with fiberglass mesh.
9. If desired, you could use a pool liner as the final layer.
10. Foam-A-Drain or a similar system is installed. The drainage system, in order to keep the two water tables separate, needs to drain to a sump or to another location.
11. The pool interior is finished normally with decking placed, or white tile and coping.
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